Founded in 1980, the International World Games Association (IWGA) is the sole administrator of The World Games, an 11-day global multi-sport event held every four years.
國際世界運動總會(IWGA)創立於 1980 年,是世界運動會的主管機構。 世界運動會(簡稱世運會或世運)是一個國際性體育競賽盛會,每四年舉行一次,為期11日。
Recognised and supported by the International Olympic Committee (IOC), the IWGA is a not-for-profit independent international organisation comprising 39 International Sports Federations. The organisation was founded with the goal ‘to strengthen the bonds of friendship between International Sports Federations and to promote excellence in sport. For that purpose, to promote and coordinate World Championships and other competitions into an international, modern, multisport festival called World Games, to be organized at regular intervals.’
國際世界運動總會(International World Games Association,IWGA),簡稱世運總會,是一個非政府、非營利和永久性的國際體育組織,目前已有39個國際單項運動組織加盟成為會員。世運總會與國際奧林匹克委員會(IOC)互相承認。世運總會的主要目標是加強國際單項體育聯合會之間的友誼並促進體育運動的卓越發展。為此,促進和協調世界錦標賽和其他比賽,使其成為一個國際性的、現代的、綜合及多項性的體育盛會,稱為世界運動會,並定期舉辦。
Vision, Missions, and Values
Today’s vision of the IWGA and The World Games family is to unite and develop the different communities in and through sport.
Our missions are twofold: on the one hand, we provide global exposure and a unique experience for athletes and cities. On the other side, we strive to engage with and inspire communities by promoting the positive values of sport.
國際世界運動總會(IWGA) 和世界運動會大家庭的願景是透過體育團結並發展不同社區。

IWGA’s three key values 國際世界運動總會(IWGA)的三個價值觀:
Excellence 卓越
In order to achieve sporting excellence, only the best athletes from their respective sports and disciplines participate in The World Games. Thanks to the experience and knowledge of the IWGA’s International Member Federations, we can provide the best experience possible for both athletes and audiences, innovating and delivering an exciting competition up to the highest standards in the international sports landscape.
為了取得優異的體育成績,只有來自各自運動項目的最優秀的運動員才能參加世界運動會。憑藉 IWGA 國際會員聯合會的經驗和知識,我們盡可能為運動員和觀眾提供最佳的體驗,創新並舉辦一場激動人心、達到國際體育界的最高標準的比賽。
Sustainability 可持續性
At IWGA, we believe that sports events must be economically, socially and environmentally sustainable. Only by making a sports event fully sustainable can we ensure a positive legacy for all our host cities and their inhabitants. This philosophy is reflected in the fact that a host city must not build any additional venue, accommodation or infrastructure for The World Games, instead always using existing or temporary venues. IWGA and the host cities work together to adapt every edition of The World Games to the characteristics and specific needs of the city. That mitigates at all levels the negative impact of the event for a host city, dramatically reducing the costs and maximising the positive short and long-term legacy.
我們相信體育賽事必須在經濟、社會和環境上可持續的。只有舉辦可持續性的體育賽事,我們才能確保為所有主辦城市及其居民留下正面的遺產。此概念重點在於,主辦城市不需為世運會建造任何額外的場館、住宿或基礎設施,使用現有或臨時場館作為比賽場地。 IWGA 和主辦城市共同努力,使每一屆世界運動會適應城市的特徵和具體需求。在各個層面上減輕了賽事對主辦城市的負面影響,大幅降低了成本,並以最大限度地發揮了短期和長期的正面影響。 包容性 世界運動會將國際和國內的運動員和球迷聚集在同一屋簷下。我們相信多元化和包容性使我們更強大;這就是為什麼每個人都受到歡迎成為世界運動會大家庭的一員,無論年齡、出身、性別或文化如何。
Inclusiveness 包容性
The World Games brings together athletes and fans, both international and national, under one roof. We believe that diversity and inclusion make us stronger; and that is why everybody is welcomed to be part of The World Games family, regardless of age, origin, gender or culture.
Sport is a most powerful tool for promoting the ideals of friendship and fair play, autonomy and equality, respect and tolerance, especially among children and young people. These ideals can change the world for the better. We, the IWGA, embrace the challenge of building a more inclusive and fair society through sport.
體育是促進友誼和公平競爭、自主和平等、尊重和寬容理想的最有力運動,特別對於兒童和青少年。這些理想可以讓世界變得更美好。IWGA 迎接挑戰,透過運動建立一個更包容和公平的社會。
The main constituents of The World Games are the International World Games Association (IWGA), the International Sports Federations (IFs) and the host cities organising the Games.In a wider sense, The World Games family encompasses National Olympic Committees (NOCs) or National Sports Organisations (NSOs) as well as National Federations, clubs and persons belonging to the different sports, in particular athletes and their entourage, but also judges, referees, coaches and other sport officials.
As the IWGA follows the Olympic Charter, we contribute with our event and efforts to building a better world through sport.
世界運動會的主要組成部分是國際世界運動總會(IWGA)、國際體育聯合會(IF)和主辦城市。 從廣泛的意義上,世界運動會大家庭包括國家奧林匹克委員會(NOC) 或國家體育組織(NSO) 以及國家聯合會、俱樂部和屬於不同運動項目的人員,特別是運動員及其隨行人員,還包括法官、裁判、教練和其他體育官員。 IWGA 遵循奧林匹克憲章,我們透過賽事和努力為透過體育建立更美好的世界做出貢獻。